Whit Au – U.S. Navy from Aquatic Mammals on Vimeo.
Whitlow W.L. Au is an expert in marine bioacoustics specializing in biosonar of odontocetes. He is known for his work with the U.S. Navy dolphin program, dozens of articles in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and as the author of The Sonar of Dolphins (1993), and co-author of Principles of Marine Bioacoustics (2008) with Mardi Hastings. Whit is the Chief Scientist of the Marine Mammal Research program of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at the University of Hawaii and is also past-president (2009) of the Acoustical Society of America.
Aquatic Mammals is the oldest peer-reviewed journal publishing papers on marine mammal science. To celebrate 35 years of publication, the Editors and Editorial Board of Aquatic Mammals launched the Historical Perspectives series to document marine mammal history through a series of interviews with key researchers.